Physicians Formula is No Longer Cruelty Free
I have learned that Physicians Formula are selling in China (like Wet n Wild and NARS) and can no longer be considered cruelty free.
I’m truly disappointed in this as they were one of my favorite brands and I just acquired the Healthy foundation, rose serum and a butter bronzer. Darn you Physicians Formula!!
In order to qualify as cruelty-free, a product cannot “allow, conduct, commission, or pay for tests on animals for its ingredients, formulations, or finished products anywhere in the world.”

Why does selling in China matter?
Chinese law states that foreign cosmetics need to be tested in government approved labs. While it may not be the foreign company’s own policy to test its products on animals, in order to sell in China, the company must pay for animal testing to be conducted on their products in Chinese government-approved facilities. There are ways to skip the premarket animal testing but there is NOT a way to skip the post market animal testing in China.
No brand is exempt from POST market animal testing in China. Chinese officials can pull items off shelves for animal testing and don’t need a brand’s permission to do it. They don’t have to inform the brand of these actions either.
Animal testing and selling in China inquiries were also ignored by Physicians Formula. Unfortunately, their silence speaks volumes.
There are some ways to get around animal testing in China (domestic production, no special use ingredients, and being part of the Leaping Bunny pilot program). However, most brands have not been able to do this.

AGAIN No brand is exempt from POST market animal testing in China. The only way to completely remove the risk of cruel animal testing for a company is not to sell in China.
I will take them off the cruelty free brand list until further notice.
I constantly review products for their cruelty free status. Take a look at the growing cruelty free brand list.