Search Results for: dupes

Myths & facts about being cruelty free
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Myths & facts about being cruelty free

One myth that is misleading is that people think animal testing for skincare and cosmetics is a gentle thing like putting makeup on a bunny. Animals still suffer and die to test shampoo, mascara and other cosmetic products. Terrified beagles, rabbits, rats and guinea pigs have substances forced down their throats, dripped into their eyes…

Simple tips on how to switch to Cruelty Free
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Simple tips on how to switch to Cruelty Free

Switching to cruelty free skincare, makeup and personal  care may  seem like a huge change, but there’s really not that much to it. This journey can be really fun. Finding new items that fit your new lifestyle is easier than it ever has been. You can be confident that you can find what you want…