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Is SheaMoisture brand Still Cruelty Free?

I was searching for some hair oils when I noticed something. I only shop cruelty free so when I was shopping I noticed SheaMoisture no longer was listed as cruelty free. So I wondered Is SheaMoisture brand Still Cruelty Free?

When a brand is cruelty-free, it promises not to test its products or ingredients on animals at any point in the product production. Animal Testing cannot be by themselves, their suppliers, or anyone else they work with. Brands get a special label from PETA to prove they adhere to these rules. It’s a huge deal for people who care about animals and want to buy only products that don’t harm innocent animals.

So Is SheaMoisture brand Still Cruelty Free?

Is SheaMoisture brand Still Cruelty Free?

SheaMoisture confirmed on their own website, they no longer meet PETA’s strict standards. Because of that they lost the official PETA certification.

Why did SheaMoisture lose it’s Peta certification?

The reason is some ingredients they are now using, SheaMoisture admits that they began including ingredients that have a history of being tested on animals in the past—like certain chemicals that other companies have experimented with on animals before. Even if SheaMoisture didn’t test these ingredients themselves, PETA has strict requirements. They don’t allow brands to use anything with a public record of animal testing if they want to keep the cruelty-free label. SheaMoisture said these ingredients weren’t part of their products when they first got the PETA approval, but adding them later broke the rules.

From the SheaMoisture website

Is SheaMoisture brand Still Cruelty Free?

SheaMoisture’s Unilever Ownership

Another big issue is that SheaMoisture is owned by Unilever, a large company that makes other products—like Dove and Axe. Unilever isn’t cruelty-free because they test on animals for some of their brands, especially when required by law in other countries. SheaMoisture operated separately and didn’t test on animals itself at first, but being owned by Unilever makes some people question their cruelty-free status. The main issue with losing the PETA certification seems to be animal tested ingredients, not the Unilever ownership.

SheaMoisture lost their official cruelty-free status with PETA because they started using ingredients that don’t fit PETA’s strict rules. Peta was right to withdraw SheaMoisture’s cruelty-free status.

Here are some cruelty-free brands you can replace SheaMoisture with:

Eva Nyc Hair

Paul Mitchell Hair


California Naturals Hair, Skincare

The Ordinary Skincare, Hair

Bubble Skincare

Above links are affiliated

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